My ad has been approved but I can't find my bike online

So you’ve put your bike details into the search categories but still can’t find it listed on bikesales? Once your ad is approved, it should automatically appear online but if you still can’t locate it, we’ve listed some tips to help ensure it is up online. 

Firstly, check the status of your ad in your bikesales Ad manager as this will indicate whether the ad has been approved by our team. We aim to approve all ads and changes within 2 hours during business hours. 

The easiest way of confirming that your ad is online is to visit bikesales and to enter your full advert ID number (SSE-AD-XXXXXX) in the 'keywords' search field, this search should only populate your ad. 

If your search via advert ID is successful, this means you may have been previously searching for your vehicle using the incorrect criteria or it could mean that you've advertised your bike incorrectly. 

You can make any necessary amendments to your approved ad by clicking the ‘Edit your ad details’ tab in your account. 

If you still can’t find your ad online or you require further assistance, please give our Customer Service Team a call on 13 72 53. 



Related articles: 

Why isn't my ad published online? 
How long does it take to approve my ad? 

Any information on this page is provided as a guide only. It is not professional or expert advice and is not a substitute for such advice. The content may not be appropriate, correct or sufficient for your circumstances and should not be relied on as the only reason you do or don’t do anything.
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